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Home > MemberXP > Employee List Update Instruction Guide
Employee List Update Instruction Guide
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For quick instructions on how to add, edit, and inactivate employees, please download the pdf attachment.


How to Access the Employee List


1. Log on to the MemberXP platform

2. Click on your credit union name in the orange box that is located on the right hand side of the screen

3. Select from the dropdown, Client Admin Portal

4. Select Employee List



Employee List Tools


Filter By


"Filter By" is used to regenerate the employee list based on your selected filters. You may select desired filters from the drop down list or even add in an employee name or ID in the text box to the right. You MUST click on the "Apply Filters" button in order to submit your query. 


Select to Update


Select to Update is used to update multiple employee records that require the same exact changes. Whereas if you were to update just one employee record, you would select that employee and make changes, this allows you to update and edit many different employees with the same change. 


For example, if you were wanting to update 3 employees who all are assigned 3 different branches and have now been moved to the same branch location, you can use this Select to Update feature in order to assign these 3 employees the same branTch. 


To use, simply select the desired update from the drop down list. This could be changing an employee's coach, branch or department, their reporting by product, or even their status from active to inactive or vice versa. 


Then select the employee's you would like to update in their checkboxes to the left of their name and click "Update Selected" to complete your desired updates. 


As best practice, you should always review your pending updates prior to clicking "Update Selected" and also confirm they completed as desired to ensure accuracy. 


Export to Excel


Exporting your employee list to excel can be very helpful for record keeping, tracking, or supplemental data for analysis. The downloaded excel file will include all of the records within your employee list, under the current filter selections. Be careful to reset your filters to ensure you are back at "square one" so that your download will include all employees within your employee list. 


Add Employee


Adding employees must be done carefully since there is currently no option to "delete" or "remove" an employee record from the employee list. The only option would be to "inactivate" an employee record if done incorrectly. 


Also worth noting that when adding employees or even updating employees, each employee record MUST match your data file. Employee ID/first name/last name inside your survey data files that are being sent to MemberXP, should match the employee information that is put into the employee list.


If the survey data files and the employee list do not match in this respect to employee data, a survey will not be sent to members. This is due to the system not being able to identify that particular employee since there is no matching record. Ultimately, this is how your employees' performance is being tracked and should be handled with care.


Best Practice: We recommend always searching for an employee record by name and employee ID to confirm the employee is NOT already included within your list before adding them into your list. Doing this will save time, prevent duplicate entries, and save you from having to inactivate employees who may have been accidentally duplicated. 


To add an employee:


1. Select the "Add Employee" button

2. Input employee's first and last name, along with their unique employee ID

3. Select the Branch or Department and the Coach Team they should be assigned to from the drop down list

4. Select either MemberShoppers or MemberView (you can select both if you are a client who uses both) in order to make this employee visible on reports

5. Click "Update" once you are completed and the employee record will be added


Change Status


As aforementioned, there is currently not a way to "delete" or "remove" employees from your employee list, but there is an ability to change an employee's status from active to inactive. Changing an employee to inactive ensures this employee will no longer have surveys sent to members regarding them. 


A simple use case scenario would be if you have had employees leaving your credit union or if they have changed positions internally that does not require member interaction or at least, member interaction that you are currently sending surveys on. Changing these employees' status from active to inactive, "cuts off the valve" so to speak so that no surveys are sent about these employees. 




Should you need to update an existing employee, you do have the option to edit their record. Just like adding an employee and creating their ID, name, and assigning their coach and branch/department, you have the ability to edit these at any time. 


It is strongly advised that any edits made to employees in the employee list should also match your data files. 


Sort by Column


On the employee list screen, sorting by ascending/descending order or alphabetically is available to you. This makes it much easier to sift through the numerous records of employee information. This especially becomes useful when searching for employees or wanting to verify where your list begins or ends if sorting by Employee ID, or even grouping active/inactive status.



Frequently Asked Questions:



Employee List Basics

  • Which employees should be included on the employee list?
    • The Employee List should include:
      • All employees who interact with members regarding the experiences being measured.
        • For example, if your credit union is measuring the Consumer Loan Experience, include all employees in the lending department that work directly with the members to open and/or close their loan. Or if your credit union is measuring in-branch transactions, all front-line tellers should be included.
      • Branch managers and other supervisors if they interact with members and you would like MemberXPTM to gather feedback for those employees.
  • Which employees should not be included on the list?
    • The Employee List should not include:
      • Employees that do not interact directly with members (i.e. IT/IS, Accounting, Training, and other support employees).
      • Employees that interact with members that the credit union does not want to gather feedback about (i.e. Collections).
      • Multiple records for the same employee.
  • What information should be included on the employee record?
    • Each employee record on the list should include:
      • Employee’s first and last name
      • Employee ID (employee number, employee initials or another unique identifier)
      • Branch/Dept
      • Coach Team
      • Visible on MemberShoppers Reports (MemberShoppers clients only)
      • Visible on MemberView Reports (MemberView clients only)
  • What Employee ID should be used on the employee record?
    • For MemberView clients:
      • The Employee ID must match the Employee ID provided on the data files being used to send surveys.
        • The Employee ID is used to validate whether an employee can be selected to receive surveys.
        • If the employee’s Employee ID is not the same on the Employee List and the data file, surveys will not be sent for the employee.
    • For MemberShoppers clients:
      • The Employee ID must match the ID provided on member receipts.
        • The Employee ID is used to verify the employees receiving member shops.


  • What should be included in the First and Last Name fields?
    • For MemberView clients:
      • The First and Last Name in the Employee List should match the First and Last Name provided on the data files being used to send surveys.
        • This is especially important if the employee’s full name is used to validate whether an employee can be selected to receive surveys.
          • NOTE: If this is the case for your credit union, your MemberXPTM support team will provide you with this information.
        • If the employee’s First and Last Name are not the same on the Employee List and the data file, surveys will not be sent for the employee.
    • For MemberShoppers clients:
      • The First and Last Name used for each employee should make it easy for the shopper to select the employee on the shop form.
        • For example, if your employees have a nickname on their name badge, the first name field on the Employee List should include the nickname instead of the employee’s given first name.
      • The Employee Name will be visible for shoppers to select on shop forms.
    • If your credit union gathers feedback with MemberView and MemberShoppers, the employee name on the data file must be used as the employee name on the Employee List to ensure surveys are sent for that employee.
  • I tried to add an employee, but I received an alert that there is an existing record. How should I proceed?
    • If the Name for the employee record you are adding is the same as an existing employee, do not add the record. If two different employees have the same name, you will need to differentiate the two by using a nickname or adding a middle initial.
    • If the Employee ID is the same as another record, but the Name is different, it is safe to add the record as long as the existing record is Inactive.


Employee Record Maintenance

  • When should I update the Coach Team or Branch/Dept for an employee?
    • Change the Coach Team and Branch/Dept when an employee moves from one Branch/Dept to another or is assigned a new coach.
  • What does View Duplicate Records indicate?

    • If you see the View Duplicate Records option, that means more than one record for the same Name is included on the employee list. Reach out to the MemberXPTM team for assistance so the duplicate employee record can be removed.
  • What should I do if my credit union does not have one unique employee ID for employees?
    • If your credit union re-uses employee numbers or if an employee has multiple employee IDs, reach out to the MemberXPTM Help Desk team for more information on how to make updates.
  • What do I do if a Branch/Dept or Coach Team needs to be added or inactivated?
    • Reach out to the MemberXPTM Help Desk team to make any changes to your credit union’s Branch/Dept or Coach Teams.


Employee Status Maintenance

  • When should I change the Status for an Active employee to Inactive?
    • When an employee no longer works at the credit union.
    • When the employee is no longer in a member-facing role or is no longer eligible to receive feedback from members.
  • When should I change the Status for an Inactive employee to Active?
    • When the employee returns to the credit union and is eligible to receive member feedback.
    • When the employee moves from a non-member facing role into a member-facing role.
    • NOTE: When making an employee active again, make sure to update the Coach Team and Branch if that has changed since the employee was inactivated.


MemberXPTM Reporting

  • How do I move surveys for an employee from one Coach Team to another?
    • Edit the employee record and change the employee’s Coach Team.
    • Once the Coach Team has been changed and the employee record is updated, all surveys for the employee will be reported under the new Coach Team.
  • How do I move shops for an employee from one Coach Team to another?
    • Shops cannot be moved from one Coach Team to another by updating the employee list.
  • If I change an employee’s status to Inactive, what happens to the responses for that employee in MemberXPTM reports?
    • If an employee has an Inactive status, past responses will be visible in the MemberXPTM reports.



  • When are employees excluded from receiving feedback on surveys or shops?
    • If an employee is on the Employee List, but their Status is Inactive.
    • If an employee is not on the Employee List.
    • If the identifier used to select employees to receive surveys (Employee ID or First and Last Name) are not the same on the Employee List and the survey data file.
  • Why am I seeing inactive Branch/Depts and Coach Teams in the Filter drop-down lists?
    • Selecting the inactive Branch/Dept or Coach Team to refilter the list will allow you to quickly confirm there are no employees assigned to an inactive Branch/Dept or Coach Team.
  • When should I use the Reporting by Product option?
    • Once an employee is added and the product has been selected on their profile, there is generally not a need to update the Reporting by Product option.
  • Why do I see employees on the Employee List that are not actual credit union employees?
    • The generic employee records you are seeing have been added by MemberXPTM and are required for reporting.
    • The generic employee records should not be modified, or reporting may be impacted.
    • Typical generic employee records you might see include:
      • Online and Mobile App
      • Dealerships
      • Miscellaneous Employee
      • Credit Union Team
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